Jessica Xie is a social impact designer and entrepreneur armed with optimism and a good sense of humor (mom jokes welcomed).
Jessica’s work with Engineers Without Borders fueled her fascination in the intersection of technology, art, and design. Her creative confidence fortifies her discipline as an engineer to create innovative and thoughtful solutions.
Inspired by Richard Buchanan’s Wicked Problems in Design Thinking, Jessica seeks compelling projects that elevate the world around her. She is passionate about creating opportunity and thrives in solving diverse, complex problems.
Jessica has a Bachelor’s in Technology Information Management from the University of California at Santa Cruz, and a Master’s in Entrepreneurship and Innovation from the University of Edinburgh Business School. She is a certified scrum product owner and human-centered designer. She previously served as the Board President for Friends Outside LA and was a two-term Chair of the Human Services Commission for the City of Pasadena (2019-2022).
When she is not finding ways to eradicate homelessness, she is watching Fiona the Hippo swim to her heart’s content.